October 16, 2010

An Ode to “Sweet Pea”

Christy Lynn Rowe. Born October 16th, 1992. The day little "Roo" came to…

When you became ONE, I said God, this girl is "FUN!"...

Then along came TWO, and I was helping tie your SHOE…

By the age of THREE, your nick became forever known to me as "SWEET PEA"…

At the age of FOUR, you loved to play on the "FLOOR" but were always waiting for me at the "DOOR"…

I began to realize when you reached FIVE, you made me feel so "ALIVE!"…

Along came SIX and by now, you loved to be part of the kitchen "MIX"…

When you reached SEVEN, I said to God, Thank you for this gift from "HEAVEN!"…

By the time you reached EIGHT, it was apparent you didn't like to be "LATE"…

At NINE, I sang to you the song She's So "FINE!"…

Then came TEN, a fearless age and when adventure beckoned, you said "I'M IN!"…

By ELEVEN, no longer as little when you were seven, but still my little slice of "HEAVEN"…

When you reached TWELVE, becoming more independent now, there was no way anyone would put you on a "SHELF"…

THIRTEEN, your first teen year and though times became a little rough, you always stayed "TOUGH"…

Then along came FOURTEEN, and though we weren't as close as we would have liked, we were forever linked for "LIFE"…

By the age of FIFTEEN, you had your own plans for yourself, the first moment I began to realize it wasn't about "MYSELF"…

Ah, then the magical age! Sweet SIXTEEN! Your own car, lots of friends, and exploring the wonder of boys and "LOVE"…

Then last year, at SEVENTEEN, we were at a crossroads you and I, something neither of us ever dreamed of but you remained strong because of your "LOVE"…

Now today, you've reached the age of EIGHTEEN, the age of complete independence, the age every child dreams of when they can go their own way, seek their own destiny, explore new ways of life, and make their mark on the world. You're a woman now and though poetry may seem silly to you little "Roo", to me, you will ALWAYS be my little "SWEET PEA!"

Yours lovingly now and forever,


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