May 9, 2010


I'm an emotional guy. And that's a broad area. Most that know me well know I don't hide how I feel and frankly, I don't care to. I've learned that expressing one's feelings, good or bad, in an open and honest way has several impacts with those I interact with.

First, people can tell pretty damned easily if I'm happy, sad, upbeat, mad, melonchaly, or whatever. I say this often; what you see is what you get, I mean what I say and say what I mean, style takes a backseat to substance with me and with anyone else I choose to interact with or call a friend. But maybe more importantly, it opens me up to the judgments of others, either positively or negatively. Being open and expressive about ourselves, exhibiting that sense of vulnerability in a way, can be dangerous. You have to have a pretty thick skin and a strong self-esteem to withstand what may come your way from others.

Personally, I think that's something missing these days, being totally honest, first with ourselves, and then with others. And not just here in SoCal, though it seems especially embedded in people's way of living. It's like many are "in hiding", hiding from others, hiding from their own feelings, hiding from expressing how they truly wish to deep down inside but are scared of what others, especially those they call "friends" might think of them. That's where the superficiality comes into play. And FEAR. Afraid of appearing "weak", afraid of ourselves.

That old saying "truth will set you free" may sound corny or cheesy but seriously, it really is liberating! Once you let the walls of pride, ego, and fear crumble and subside, then and ONLY then, will you know true happiness, peace, and serenity. Then you will know who your friends REALLY are; people who are real, giving, thoughtful, and kind, with no agendas, no pretense, and just pure, honest love. Love for ourselves and one another.



Mel said...

I agree with your post, I'm not even sure people understand the word 'honesty' any more, or 'truth' for that matter. I'm sure you already know this but that old saying "truth will set you free" is Scripture. It is John 8:32, only it says the truth which is kind of important because in John 14:6 Jesus identifies Himself as being the truth. You quoted Rick Warren awhile back and I have enjoyed his book. There is another program such as his, only more for people who are already Bible-believing Christians from Focus on the Family called The Truth Project. Very interesting and worthwhile study about what truth is and what has happened to the idea of truth in our age. Honesty is a huge part of being a person of integrity and you are so right about having to be honest with ourselves first, we have to do that before we can be honest with others. You are on a good path and I wish you the best!

Bond 007 said...

Thanks Mel. I got a message from another participant here, Bethanne Bailey, via email. She's a year younger than I, lives in Texas now, but lived and attended high school when I did. You may know her, she's now friends with Jan Chilson.

She made some suggestions on how to attract others to visit this site and perhaps ways to get people thinking to be more free with their own thoughts or topics, perhaps a "sister forum", or something, I'm not sure. I was wondering if you had any.

Bond 007 said...

Thanks Mel. I got a message from another participant here, Bethanne Bailey, via email. She's a year younger than I, lives in Texas now, but lived and attended high school when I did. You may know her, she's now friends with Jan Chilson.

She made some suggestions on how to attract others to visit this site and perhaps ways to get people thinking to be more free with their own thoughts or topics, perhaps a "sister forum", or something, I'm not sure. I was wondering if you had any.

Mel said...

Sorry, I am almost totally computer illiterate. You're my only friend with a blog that I know of so what you know is way out ahead of me. Can't help you with this one.